The North Wexford Traditional Singing Circle has been in existence since 2015. We meet on the last Tuesday of every month at 8.30pm in the back room of French’s Traditional Bar in Gorey, Co. Wexford. Bíonn fáilte ar leith i gcónaí roimh amhránaithe óga agus an Ghaeilge. Bean an Tí is Rachel Uí Fhaoláin.
In March 2020 Covid-19 put a stop to our monthly meetings in French's bar and we quickly moved our sessions to an online platform. Through our special gatherings on Zoom we enjoyed the great company of singers from Wexford and further afield throughout the pandemic right up until June 2022. We returned to French's on Tuesday the 27th of September 2022 for our first in person gathering since February 2020.
We regularly have special guests at our monthly gatherings throughout the year. Our annual Traditional Singing Weekend, the second weekend in November, is a wonderful weekend of traditional singing gatherings, singing & walking tours and traditional song workshops for all ages.
Please keep an eye on the website and the North Wexford Traditional Singing Circle Facebook page for details of all in person and Zoom events. We look forward to keeping in touch with all our singing friends throughout the country and further afield.
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